‘Doubting Thomas’, a Model for Modern Faith?

Thomas is often infamously remembered as “Doubting Thomas,”  but is this an accurate label?  Indeed Thomas refused to accept Christ’s resurrection without physical evidence, but how does that set him apart from the others mentioned in the Gospel accounts? 

Mary Magdalene thought that someone had stolen Jesus’ body before she encountered Jesus in person (John 20:2).  When she brought the news to the 11 disciples, they thought she was crazy (Luke 24:11).  Jesus rebuked all of the disciples — not just Thomas — “for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe” (Mark 16:13–14).  In what might have been Jesus’ last appearance before his ascension there were still “some who doubted” (Matthew 28:17).   Other than the single attention he gets in John 20:24-25, why label Thomas in such a way?

Thomas serves as a wonderful model of modern faith.  Instead, Christians hold him up as a negative example because of his initial doubts.  His doubts had a purpose—he wanted to know the truth. He expressed his doubts fully, but didn’t idolize them. When Jesus answered them, he gladly believed. When you struggle with doubt, take encouragement from Thomas—and from countless other followers of Christ who’ve battled their doubts, and found God’s answers.

About Corey Sharpe

Where do we get our beliefs? Three theological perspectives have significantly shaped my Christian identity: Evangelicalism, the early Methodist tradition and liberation theology. From my coming to faith in a Baptist church and throughout my education in a Baptist school and college, I was nurtured by convictions that emphasized a spiritual rebirth, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the centrality of the Bible. Even when I disagree with certain aspects of evangelicalism, it has deeply influenced my sense of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. My seminary studies spawned my interest in early Methodism, particularly its approach to spiritual formation. Its leaders were convinced that only a foundation of doctrine and discipline would lead to a meaningful transformation of the heart and mind. In other words, having the mind of Christ enables me to be more like Christ. Life in a suburban culture obscures the increasing gap between the poor and rich, as well as the Bible’s close identification with the poor. My doctoral work in socio-cultural context exposed me to liberation theology, which helps me see redemptive history as a history of oppressed groups, written from the perspective of the powerless, about a God who is actively involved with the poor in their struggles. I am now the pastor at Huntingtown United Methodist Church in Calvert County, Maryland. Together my wife and I are raising 4 young theologians.
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